Poďte s nami do sveta golfu

Čarovná krajina na severe Afriky obmývaná vlnami Atlantiku.

Neuveriteľne zaujímavá golfová destinácia spojená s exotickou atmosférou.

Rajský ostrov stredomorského pôvabu, ktorý očarí návštevníkov krištáľovo čistými vodami.


Zakladateľkou spoločnosti je Andrea Melišková. Miluje golf a cestovanie natoľko, že sa rozhodla opustiť svet korporácie a bankovníctva a ukázať krásu zelených plôch ďalším golfovým nadšencom.
Svet golfu je Vám otvorený
Kvalitné vybavenie
Poskytneme Vám špičkové vybavenie, alebo môžte použiť svoje.
Unikátne prostredia
Objavte úžasné možnosti pre relax a zážitky.
All-inclusive služby
Nemusíte si ničím lámať hlavu, my sa o všetko postaráme.
Nový ľudia
Spoznajte iných nadšencov a golfom-zaujatých ľudí.
Our training & course for you
Experience the Golf trip of your dreams with us Royal Golf Club
Come join us and be a part of our vibrant golfing community. Whether you are an avid golfer or just beginning your journey in this captivating sport.
- Located just minutes from the downtown
- 180 beautiful acres of forest, marsh, and prairie
- Flexible system of cancellation

Golf package from the options
As a member of our golf club, you gain access to an array of exclusive benefits and privileges. We ensure that your experience with us is nothing short of exceptional.
Beginner Membership
The Golf Package
35 Premium Range Balls, Executive Stall & Drink Service
What's Includes:
- Minimum of 2 golfers
- Tea/Coffee included, morning roll & Gift cards
- On Site Golf Professional
Premium Membership
The Golf Package
70 Premium Range Balls, Executive Stall & Drink Service
What's Includes:
- Minimum of 2 golfers
- Tea/Coffee included, morning roll & Gift cards
- On Site Golf Professional
Luxury Membership
The Golf Package
100+ Premium Range Balls, Executive Stall & Drink Service
What's Includes:
- Minimum of 2 golfers
- Tea/Coffee included, morning roll & Gift cards
- On Site Golf Professional
“Beyond the course, including a well-appointed clubhouse that serves as a warm and inviting hub for members and guests alike. Here, I enjoy delectable dining options, unwind in a relaxing atmosphere.”

Lana Adison Rose
Pro Golf Chemp“Beyond the course, including a well-appointed clubhouse that serves as a warm and inviting hub for members and guests alike. Here, I enjoy delectable dining options, unwind in a relaxing atmosphere.”

John Lewis
Team Trainer“Beyond the course, including a well-appointed clubhouse that serves as a warm and inviting hub for members and guests alike. Here, I enjoy delectable dining options, unwind in a relaxing atmosphere.”

Nick Carter
Pro Golf ChempObjavte svet golfu s nami!
Je veľa destinácií, ktoré vieme ponúknuť. Všetky miesta, ktoré nájdete v našom zozname sú osobne preverené. Ak hľadáte ideálne miesto na golf ako individuálny zájazd alebo riešenie pre skupiny (firemné eventy), sme tu pre vás.

- Distance: 9857 yd
- Par: 89
- Elevation: 6230 ft
Čarovná krajina na severe Afriky obmývaná vlnami Atlantiku.

- Distance: 9857 yd
- Par: 89
- Elevation: 6230 ft
Neuveriteľne zaujímavá golfová destinácia spojená s exotickou atmosférou.

- Distance: 9857 yd
- Par: 89
- Elevation: 6230 ft
Rajský ostrov stredomorského pôvabu, ktorý očarí návštevníkov krištáľovo čistými vodami.

Rogdreg Haven
Filip Jemson

We have the best Instructors to teach you Golf
Beyond the course, we take pride in our state-of-the-art facilities, including a well-appointed clubhouse that serves as a warm and inviting hub for members and guests alike. Here, you can enjoy delectable dining options, unwind in a relaxing atmosphere, and connect with fellow golf enthusiasts.